For a long time this was my personal blog. But you know what I love writing about more than my personal life (except everything)? Business.

So this blog is now a place where I will put down the lessons and struggles of building a creative business from the ground up. Please chime in along the way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

there'd be no distance that could hold us back ♥

I could not have asked for a better way to celebrate the new year. Actually, it would have been better if Charlie's flight had not been canceled and he could have celebrated with us, but other than that this weekend was a blast. It's so nice to be reunited with so many friends that I haven't seen in years. Everyone is growing up and doing wonderful things' with their lives, I feel so blessed to call them my friends.

I finally got to meet Chelsie and Lorenzo's new baby, Timothy, after much anticipation! I snapped some photo's of him... lets just say this kid has a future in modeling if he keeps it up :) at least modeling for me!

And I finally saw my naturopath yesterday about the inflammation in my joints... he was really awesome and wants to take on all my "issues" as a whole so we are breaking everything down into several appointments. This month he wants to get my digestion running smoothly and see if that helps with the inflammation at all. He also gave me a natural supplement for my headaches so I dont have to take the muscle relaxers anymore. I am really excited to keep seeing him.

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