For a long time this was my personal blog. But you know what I love writing about more than my personal life (except everything)? Business.

So this blog is now a place where I will put down the lessons and struggles of building a creative business from the ground up. Please chime in along the way.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

my week

This week has been amazing, God has been faithfully answering my prayers and prayers of those around me. If you don't know, I have been tirelessly searching for a job for the last three months straight and have only had one interview out of the dozens of applications I've turned in. But last week I got an interview at the Starbucks inside of the Safeaway in Shelton. I had a good feeling about this one, and when I got there my interviewer didn't even ask me any questions, he just told me my experience looked great and I had the job if I wanted it.

This has been a huge burden lifted off of me and I'm so grateful! I know a lot of people get angry and impatient when they feel like God is ignoring their prayer requests, but I believe that God answers all of our prayers (yes, no or later), and sometimes that answer sounds like "Just be patient." And as badly as I wanted a job, I kind of felt like God had put me on "probation". Through reading "Money: God or Gift", I've realized what a bad steward I've been with my money in the past, and I'm so glad that God revealed that to me before I got a job and continued my poor spending habits. With my new job I really want to make sure that I hold any money I earn loosely, since it's not mine, it's God's.

In addition to training for my new job, I also finished all of my GED tests this week! I chose not to test once a week, but instead wait and take all of the tests in two days. Being the way that I have always been... I didn't study. I did take a GED practice test a few months ago and I did pretty well, but when Tuesday rolled around I was pretty anxious about how I would do. They were surprisingly easy and I got really high scores on the reading, math and science. I will have my writing and social studies scores back in a couple of weeks, but I'm confident that I passed them. Another huge burden lifted! I want to apply to SPSCC for spring quarter and start working towards my AA. Hope International University (in CA) offers a BA in Cross Cultural Business Administration... so that's a possible road I'm thinking about going down in the future...

And I finished my last Doctrine class on Wednesday, so now I'm in the process of becoming a member at Mars Hill, so I'm really excited for that too!

And the week had the best possible ending with going to see Lower Lights Burning and Le Wrens play at Reality church. For anyone who likes Noah Gundersen, Brandi Carlile or just amazing acoustic/folk music, you HAVE to check out Le Wrens. It's Noah Gundersen's sister and brothers, and they've got skill.

Peter Larson took this picture.

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