For a long time this was my personal blog. But you know what I love writing about more than my personal life (except everything)? Business.

So this blog is now a place where I will put down the lessons and struggles of building a creative business from the ground up. Please chime in along the way.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


To my new revamped blog! I think it looks shiny and fresh. I'm not going to make any crazy new years resolutions about how often I will post here, but the truth is that I love blogging and sharing my life with others, and I hope to start carving some more time out for it. It helps me feel like my life is organized... even though it's not.

What's going on in my neck of the woods this week?

*Wrapping up our last two weddings of the season and meeting with awesome new clients of 2012 weddings. I feel so blessed for how many inquiries we've already received. We increased our prices for 2012 (as most every business does), and we're happy to see positive responses. We've decided not to shoot any portraits for the time being, since we both have a lot on our plate right now. It's been hard turning people down, but actually being able to see the end of our workload is like seeing the horizon through a very busy last couple of months.

*Charlie and I both start school next week. I'm taking my intermediate algebra class again that I failed last spring (*gulp), but I'm determined to pass. I'm also determined to sort out my residency/financial aid mess that has left me paying my own tuition, not to mention books and parking passes, etc. Quite the burden.

*As I announced in my last post, I was promoted to a supervisor at work (Starbucks), and I'm finishing up my training this week, and I am very nervous and excited to start running shifts on my own next week. Although it will be more responsibility and pressure, I will be working shorter shifts than I was this fall, which I'm hoping will ease my daily stress load. (And I get a raise - bonus!)

*I'm in love with my new iPhone and Epiphanie camera bag. I am seriously spoiled :D

*I really want to try and reorganize my room along with the rest of my life sometime within the next week or two. In general it is just dysfunctional and messy. I do enough work that I need a more accessible/comfortable desk than I have now, but now that I look around the whole layout just isn't working - so that needs to be my new project.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I like the new blog set up. Very cool.
    2. I am in love with your camera bag. OMG.
    3. Remember to sleep, best friend, it's what keeps you pretty.
