For a long time this was my personal blog. But you know what I love writing about more than my personal life (except everything)? Business.

So this blog is now a place where I will put down the lessons and struggles of building a creative business from the ground up. Please chime in along the way.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Inspiring Story

This morning I met with a friend who I've been close with for about the last seven years, since I was 13 and she was 17. Over the last seven years I have watched her and her husband start dating while keeping Jesus at the center of their relationship, four years ago I was in their wedding and was thrilled when they started a photography business together that year. Over the last couple of years they have grown into absolutely outstanding photographers and designers who are passionate about the church, serving and social justice. She has always been one of the Godliest women I've ever known, and she never ceases to inspire me. She has devoted her life to serving Jesus and obeying Him at every turn. Not only has God blessed her and her husband with true love for each other, but He has also gifted them with countless talents in art and business. Needless to say I have always admired their commitment and obedience to the Lord.

This morning my friend told me that they felt God was calling them to move to L.A., and she started to divulge the plans and desires they had for their new start, which include some big, BIG and amazing things. I fought back tears as she told me this, because all I could think about was God unfolding His amazing plans for their lives. Plans that he had all those years ago when they started dating, when they started their business. Plans that He had when they were two years old, when she was 17 years old and leading a Bible study for 13 year old girls in my house. And now he's moving them along His path, to bigger and more amazing challenges and opportunities. I know that my friend had no idea of God's plans for her life, even a year ago I'm sure she wouldn't have imagined herself being called to such a huge life change.

I know that in my own life I need to stop selling myself short of God's amazing plans. It's not that I want to be begrudgingly obedient so that God will "reward" me, but I need to stop trying to be the author of my own life, because I don't write a very good story.

This last week I have been making some huge changes in my life that are very hard, and I quickly get to that place of "I'm ready to be through this." I want all these changes to be made in me, to be made for me. It is a huge lifestyle change dealing with the mental, physical and spiritual. It's hard for me to persist, to insist on changing even though it's what I need. It's hard for me to see past this craving, this comfort of how my life has been and see God's glorious plan that he has for me on the other side.

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